They woke up cuddled together in bed early that evening. "Enjoy yourself?" Darla asked. "Tremendous!" "Get enough?" "Hardly. It seems the more I get the more I want." "You're turning into a sex fiend." "And loving every minute of it." she replied, reaching to fondle Darla's breasts. "Hold just a second, got someone I want you to meet." Darla slipped out of bed and walked over to her dresser. When she returned she told Christy, "Close your eyes and lie back." Christy did as she was told. Moments later, she heard a humming sound, followed by a vibrating sensation on her twat. She felt something big parting her lips, filling her quim. It felt just like a cock, except it was vibrating. "What the hell...?" she started to ask. "Quiet, now. lay back and enjoy." Darla commanded. She offered no argument. The prick, or whatever it was, was filling her up. And the vibrations were making her clit tingle. In and out it plunged, driving her nearer and nearer to an orgasm. She felt tongue licking at her clitoris while whatever was fucking her continued driving in and out of her hungry cunt. She could feel the first stirrings of climax. Still the fucking continued, as did the tonguing. Closer and closer. Still closer. Then, she almost screamed as her orgasm rolled over her. The vibrating finally stopped, but the tongue lashing continued until she shuddered as she came again. Catching her breath, she asked gasping, "What was that? God, that was incredible!" When she finally looked up, Darla was holding a phallus- shaped plastic object. "Meet Dave Eveready. I call him that because he's always ready and he runs on batteries." "So that's what you were using on me?" "Yep, a vibrator." "It sure vibrated the shit out of pussy." "Are you complaining?" "Nooo, that was damned good. Are they all shaped like that? Like a cock?" "No. I bought Dave special. Most are bullet shaped. I got Dave in that sex store downtown." "We're going to have to take a ride down there sometime." "Sure, I wanna look for some new toys anyway. Let's go down there today." "Wow, yes, I can't wait." "Well, get off your ass and get out of bed and dressed." A half hour later, they were ready, both dressed in shorts and sandals, Christy in a halter top, Darla wearing an unbuttoned blouse tied under her breasts. Before long, they were on the road, Christy again driving. The weather was sunny and warm and they put the top down. They were driving down the road when they saw a semi heading in the opposite direction. Darla unknotted her blouse and pulled it open, exposing her breasts, just as the truck was ready to pass. The trucker gave them an enthusiastic toot on his air horn as he roared by. "You're a brazen hussy, you know that?" Christy quipped. "I know it and I love every minute of it." Darla replied. "You ain't seen nothing yet." Darla was true to her word. As the next truck approached, she turned in her seat and unzipped her shorts, pulling them and her panties down in one motion, mooning the driver. "God, you're insane woman!" Christy blurted out. "Try it, you'll like it. Next one, show him your tits." A few minutes later, another truck approached. 'What the hell", Christy thought. At the right time, she took one hand from the wheel and pulled down her halter top, exposing her boobs. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her girlfriend holding her blouse open. After the truck passed, she readjusted her top. "Wasn't that a kick?" Darla asked, retying her blouse. "Gotta admit, you were right, that was fun." Nearing town, they composed themselves. Darla gave her directions to the shop. "Great part about this place is that they have everything, clothes, books, movies, toys." "Sounds great." Christy answered. "I hope my plastic holds up." Christy found the store fascinating. All the sexy clothes. She spent the next few hours picking out undergarments and outfits. Darla likewise shopped for clothes. Their clothes purchasing complete, Darla picked out some new videotapes. "Let's not forget the main reason we came here." She reminded Christy. "I haven't forgotten. Where are they?" Darla led her over to a display. "Take your pick." "There's so many to choose from." After much deliberation, Christy picked out one very similar to Darla's. "I'm going to name him 'Frank'." "Frank?" "Frank 'N' Fucker." "Girl, you're sicker than I am." Darla laughed. Both laughing, they walked out to the car and stored their packages in the trunk. Darla got behind the wheel. "I'll drive home. You can flash the truckers." They were back on the highway when they saw a semi approaching. "It's your turn to flash him." Darla reminded Christy. Christy waited until the truck was near enough. Pulling up her halter, she flashed her tits at the driver. "That's the way girl!" Darla crowed. "Dare you to moon the next one." When they saw another truck nearing, Christy unzipped her shorts. Turning herself around in the seat, she waited for the proper moment, then bared her ass to the driver. "You really got the hang of it now." Darla observed. "It's getting dark, probably be able to do one more at most." Not much later, they heard another semi. This time, Christy slid off her shorts and panties. Placing her feet on the dash, she arched her body upward, giving the trucker a clear view of her auburn muff. "Now, that's what I call a beaver shot!" Darla quipped, as Christy slid back down and put her clothes back on. Arriving home, they spent a few hours trying on clothes before Christy commented, "You know, I owe you one from this morning." "No dear, Frank's still a virgin. You should get his cherry." Darla replied. "Damn, I forgot to get batteries!" "No problem, I've got plenty of spares." Frank was quickly supplied with batteries and humming to life. "It's alive! It's alive!" Christy laughed, holding the now working vibrator before her. They both giggled.